[short] skip

# Hard-wire new coverage for this test.
env GOEXPERIMENT=coverageredesign

# Baseline run.
go test -cover example/foo
stdout 'coverage: 50.0% of statements$'

# Coverage percentage output should mention -coverpkg selection.
go test -coverpkg=example/foo example/foo
stdout 'coverage: 50.0% of statements in example/foo'

# Try to ask for coverage of a package that doesn't exist.
go test -coverpkg nonexistent example/bar
stderr 'no packages being tested depend on matches for pattern nonexistent'
stdout 'coverage: \[no statements\]'

# Ask for foo coverage, but test bar.
go test -coverpkg=example/foo example/bar
stdout 'coverage: 50.0% of statements in example/foo'

# end of test cmds, start of harness and related files.

-- go.mod --
module example

go 1.18

-- foo/foo.go --
package foo

func FooFunc() int {
	return 42
func FooFunc2() int {
	return 42

-- foo/foo_test.go --
package foo

import "testing"

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
	if FooFunc() != 42 {

-- bar/bar.go --
package bar

import "example/foo"

func BarFunc() int {
	return foo.FooFunc2()

-- bar/bar_test.go --
package bar_test

import (

func TestBar(t *testing.T) {
	if bar.BarFunc() != 42 {

-- baz/baz.go --
package baz

func BazFunc() int {
	return -42