[!net] skip [!git] skip # GOPATH: Set up env GO111MODULE=off # GOPATH: Try go get -d of HTTP-only repo (should fail). ! go get -d insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p # GOPATH: Try again with invalid GOINSECURE (should fail). env GOINSECURE=insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/q ! go get -d insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p # GOPATH: Try with correct GOINSECURE (should succeed). env GOINSECURE=insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p go get -d insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p # GOPATH: Try updating without GOINSECURE (should fail). env GOINSECURE= ! go get -d -u -f insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p # GOPATH: Try updating with GOINSECURE glob (should succeed). env GOINSECURE=*.go-get-*.appspot.com go get -d -u -f insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p # GOPATH: Try updating with GOINSECURE base URL (should succeed). env GOINSECURE=insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com go get -d -u -f insecure.go-get-issue-15410.appspot.com/pkg/p