# Test case for issue 47993, in which the linker crashes # on a bad input instead of issuing an error and exiting. # This test requires external linking, so use cgo as a proxy [!cgo] skip ! go build -ldflags='-linkmode=external' . ! stderr 'panic' stderr '^.*unreachable sym in relocation.*' -- go.mod -- module issue47993 go 1.16 -- main.go -- package main type M struct { b bool } // Note the body-less func def here. This is what causes the problems. func (m *M) run(fp func()) func doit(m *M) { InAsm() m.run(func() { }) } func main() { m := &M{true} doit(m) } func InAsm() -- main.s -- // Add an assembly function so as to leave open the possibility // that body-less functions in Go might be defined in assembly. // Currently we just need an empty file here.