handle svn # Note: this repo script does not produce a byte-for-byte copy of the original. # # The 'git init' operation in the nested Git repo creates some sample files # whose contents depend on the exact Git version in use, and the steps we take # to construct a fake 'git clone' status don't produce some log files that # a real 'git clone' leaves behind. # # However, the repo is probably accurate enough for the tests that need it. env GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Russ Cox' env GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='rsc@golang.org' env GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME env GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL mkdir db/transactions mkdir db/txn-protorevs chmod 0755 hooks/pre-revprop-change env ROOT=$PWD cd .checkout [GOOS:windows] svn checkout file:///$ROOT . [!GOOS:windows] svn checkout file://$ROOT . cd git-README-only git init git config --add core.ignorecase true git config --add core.precomposeunicode true git add README at 2017-09-22T11:39:03-04:00 git commit -a -m 'README' git branch -m master git rev-parse HEAD stdout '^7f800d2ac276dd7042ea0e8d7438527d236fd098$' # Fake a clone from an origin repo at this commit. git remote add origin https://vcs-test.swtch.com/git/README-only mkdir .git/refs/remotes/origin echo 'ref: refs/remotes/origin/master' cp stdout .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD unquote '# pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled \n7f800d2ac276dd7042ea0e8d7438527d236fd098 refs/remotes/origin/master\n' cp stdout .git/packed-refs git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master git add pkg/pkg.go at 2017-09-22T11:41:28-04:00 git commit -a -m 'add pkg' git log --oneline --decorate=short cmp stdout ../.git-log cd .. svn add git-README-only svn commit -m 'add modified git-README-only' svn propset svn:author rsc --revprop -r1 svn propset svn:date 2017-09-22T15:41:54.145716Z --revprop -r1 svn add pkg.go svn commit -m 'use git-README-only/pkg' svn propset svn:author rsc --revprop -r2 svn propset svn:date 2017-09-22T15:49:11.130406Z --revprop -r2 svn add other svn commit -m 'add other' svn propset svn:author rsc --revprop -r3 svn propset svn:date 2017-09-22T16:56:16.665173Z --revprop -r3 svn add tiny svn commit -m 'add tiny' svn propset svn:author rsc --revprop -r4 svn propset svn:date 2017-09-27T17:48:18.350817Z --revprop -r4 cd git-README-only git remote set-url origin https://vcs-test.golang.org/git/README-only cd .. replace 'vcs-test.swtch.com' 'vcs-test.golang.org' other/pkg.go replace 'vcs-test.swtch.com' 'vcs-test.golang.org' pkg.go svn commit -m 'move from vcs-test.swtch.com to vcs-test.golang.org' svn propset svn:author rsc --revprop -r5 svn propset svn:date 2017-10-04T15:08:26.291877Z --revprop -r5 svn update svn log --xml [GOOS:windows] replace '\n' '\r\n' .svn-log cmp stdout .svn-log -- .checkout/git-README-only/pkg/pkg.go -- package pkg const Message = "code not in git-README-only" -- .checkout/git-README-only/README -- README -- .checkout/.git-log -- ab9f66b (HEAD -> master) add pkg 7f800d2 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) README -- .checkout/pkg.go -- package p import "vcs-test.swtch.com/go/test1-svn-git/git-README-only/pkg" const _ = pkg.Message -- .checkout/other/pkg.go -- package other import _ "vcs-test.swtch.com/go/test1-svn-git/git-README-only/other" -- .checkout/tiny/tiny.go -- package tiny -- .checkout/.svn-log -- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <log> <logentry revision="5"> <author>rsc</author> <date>2017-10-04T15:08:26.291877Z</date> <msg>move from vcs-test.swtch.com to vcs-test.golang.org</msg> </logentry> <logentry revision="4"> <author>rsc</author> <date>2017-09-27T17:48:18.350817Z</date> <msg>add tiny</msg> </logentry> <logentry revision="3"> <author>rsc</author> <date>2017-09-22T16:56:16.665173Z</date> <msg>add other</msg> </logentry> <logentry revision="2"> <author>rsc</author> <date>2017-09-22T15:49:11.130406Z</date> <msg>use git-README-only/pkg</msg> </logentry> <logentry revision="1"> <author>rsc</author> <date>2017-09-22T15:41:54.145716Z</date> <msg>add modified git-README-only</msg> </logentry> </log> -- conf/authz -- -- conf/passwd -- -- conf/svnserve.conf -- -- db/current -- 0 -- db/format -- 6 layout sharded 1000 -- db/fs-type -- fsfs -- db/fsfs.conf -- -- db/min-unpacked-rev -- 0 -- db/revprops/0/0 -- K 8 svn:date V 27 2017-09-22T01:11:53.895835Z END -- db/revs/0/0 -- PLAIN END ENDREP id: 0.0.r0/17 type: dir count: 0 text: 0 0 4 4 2d2977d1c96f487abe4a1e202dd03b4e cpath: / 17 107 -- db/txn-current -- 0 -- db/txn-current-lock -- -- db/uuid -- 53cccb44-0fca-40a2-b0c5-acaf9e75039a -- db/write-lock -- -- format -- 5 -- hooks/pre-revprop-change -- #!/bin/sh -- hooks/pre-revprop-change.bat -- @exit