mtk_dut version: Version: 2.6.0 Date: 02/10/2022 Description: Add support for Jedi hostapd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mtk_dut version: Version: 2.5.2 Date: 12/28/2021 Description: Support CAPI that set parameters by hostapd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mtk_dut version: Version: 2.4.2 Date: 7/30/2020 Description: Support CAPI that set 2 interface/2 band/2 channel in one CAPI Support WIFI6 R2 PF1 and PF2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mtk_dut version: Version: 2.3.2 Date: 7/30/2020 Description: Fix a bunch of MBSS realted bug Fix Daemon can't be autostart after MBSS test case. Fix MBO-APUT Unsolicited BTM Request missing problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mtk_dut version: Version: 2.3.0 Date: 7/30/2020 Description: Fix a bunch of MBSS realted bug Add Daemon autostart script file and feature for 6G build in SDK. The autostart patch is in inside openwrt/lede project. Autostart script mtk_dut in under /lede/package/mtk/applications/sigma_daemon/files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mtk_dut version: Version: 2.2.0 Date: 7/30/2020 Description: WIFI 6E program needs a bunch of different profile key setting than normal cert profile. 2 different testbed cert profile were created:wifi_cert_tb.1. dat and wifi_cert_tb.2.dat This patch add the support to check the device type from CAPI and then load DUT or TESTBED cert profile accordingly. If no TESTBED cert profile is found, Daemon will fall back to the old way to set several specific testbed keys to the unified profile. So it is backward compatible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: 2.1.0 Date: 7/22/2020 Description: Replace the mechanism that configure 6G interface with command option "-p 6G". Instead, the original default interface are always preconfigured to 2G/5G for single card; ra0 for 2G, rai0 for 5G for dual card. When Daemon receive CAPI that configure interface to 6G, for example "ap_set_wireless,NAME,ap1he,program,HE,CHANNEL,53,ChnlFreq,6215,SSID,Wi-Fi_6E_240,MODE,11ax!", Daemon start to change 5G interface rai0 to ra0, let it share with 2G interface, then configure rai0 to 6G interface. When a new test case starts, in the process function of CAPI "ap_reset_default,..." the original ra0/rai0 interface will be mapped back to 2G/5G interface, and then 6G interface will be disable. All interface parameters are restored. By this way, Daemon can mix up 6G test case with non 6G test case when running test without restarting Daemon. Patch: Version: 2.0.0 Date: 6/26/2020 Description: Create version component Patch: