# # WFA Test Engine Source Code (DUT and Control PC) Revision 2.41 (April 4, 08) # Release History: # Base Release: Version 3.3.10 Qiumin Hu, Wi-Fi Alliance # # Revision: Version 4.0.0 Chandra Duba, Wi-Fi Alliance # - Added feature "CLI handling using shell scirpts" This source code package contains a sample Linux implementation of the DUT code for the Wi-Fi Test Engine. This DUT code includes the Wi-Fi Traffic Generator. The DUT code is written to be portable to other platforms. Also included here is Linux source code for the Control PC component of the Wi-Fi Test Engine. The sample code uses TCP over USB to provide connectivity between the DUT and the Control PC. This code will need to be modified to support alternate connectivity methods. The third component included is called the Test Console. This component is a peer traffic Generator to the DUT's traffic generator that can run on the Control PC Please refer to the WFA Porting Guidelines document for detailed instructions on the porting process. The following instructions pertain to the direct use of this sample code in a Linux environment. ************************************************ IMPORTANT**************************************************** Before building the software, if you plan to support WPA2 as default, you can simply go to the step 1 "Building the software". If the DUT is preparing for WMM support, the lines in the file "Makefile.inc" for WMM is needed to be uncommented and the default setting for WPA2 should be commented out as well. For WMM-PS, make sure to uncomment the line to build WMM-PS and comment out original build-line. To support Voice, the build in the Makefile.inc must include WFA_WMM_EXT and WFA_WMM_VOICE 1. Building the software a. build all all you need is to simply type "make all". b. build individual modules cd into the appropriate directory to edit and type "make" c. build a specific agent there are three agents in this package. They are "dut", "ca" and "tc", standing for "Device Under Test", "Control Agent" and "Test Console" respectively. To build one of them only, you need to edit the file "Makefile.inc" to comment rest of modules out d. clean modules and object files simply type "make clean" or cd into the module directories, type "make clean" 2. Installing the software a. copy dut/wfa_dut to /usr/sbin (or other location) on the linux DUT b. MUST copy scripts/getipconfig.sh to /usr/local/sbin on the Linux DUT. 3. Running the software 3.1 DUT -- dut/wfa_dut a. The current implementation is based on the open source wpa_supplicant (hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant). The DUT must have it installed. b. The supplicant can be either auto started during the system boot or manually started by typing "wpa_supplicant -Dmadwifi -iath0 -c "any configuration file". Before doing this, you need to have a console terminal to access/login the DUT. Please refer the wpa_supplicant document/README and Linux setup document for setting auto-start. c. The IP address for the control link interface (can be USB, ethernet, or others with TCP/IP/aLink) needs to be set, e.g. . This should be set for a differnt subnet from the traffic agent interface (Wi-Fi interface). d. Once you have already logged in the DUT, type: wfa_dut 3.2 Control Agent (LINUX PC) -- ca/wfa_ca a. Before starting the control agent, first you need to make sure or set the IP address for the control link interface (e.g. that matches the subnet set in the DUT. Second, you need to set two environment variables. Type: a.1: export WFA_ENV_AGENT_IPADDR= a.2: export WFA_ENV_AGENT_PORT= b. Start the control agent: wfa_ca c. Now you are ready. 3.4 Console using Python Scripts. Read the instructions in the directory "ucc" for how to setup python if it is not installed on your PC. It also has instructions for the script file modification. 3.5 [REMOVED] 3.6 [REMOVED] 3.7 Test Console with Python Script see 3.4 3.8 Running WMM-Power Save Before doing following, some necessary setup commands must be executed, such as set security, association and configure IP address, etc. a. sta_set_uapsd,interface,,ssid,,acBE,<0 or 1>acBK,<0 or 1>,acVO,<0 or 1>,acVI,<0 or 1> Note: the AC value need to follow the test plan definition. b. traffic_agent_config,profile,uapsd,direction,receive,source,sourceport 12345,destinationport,12345 c. traffic_agent_receive_start,streamid,- - The ResultFlag can be either TRUE or FALSE. TRUE represents that there is some return string which should be sent to UCC FALSE represents that there is no retrun string to send UCC EX: wfa_test_cli-TRUE, 3) keep the named shell script ( should match with CLI defined in wfa_cli.txt) in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin so that the system can call. For questions, send emails to sigmasupport@wi-fi.org or cduba@wi-fi.org or qhu@wi-fi.org